
The Artemis Project

Created by Grand Gamers Guild

Thrive or perish. The Artemis Project is a dice-placement engine builder where you compete to build the best colony on Europa.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Artemis Project ends tomorrow!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 01:51:08 PM

Just wanted to write a quick note to all of our Backers who have not yet chosen a reward. The campaign ends in 37 hours; so much has changed since launch.

390.4 million miles worth of stretch goals!
390.4 million miles worth of stretch goals!

You will be able to upgrade your pledge in the post-campaign pledge manager. If that's your plan, fantastic. However, if you're one who just got lost in the Kickstarter chaos since our launch on 12 Sep, consider backing now.

No matter what you choose, thank you for taking part in the journey.


The GuildMaster

1 Oct 2348
over 5 years ago – Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 02:08:02 PM

Diary, it's funny how even though the calendar is wildly different, people are still proclaiming the 'beginning of winter' today. Every day is winter here, lol!

I got more of a chance to acclimate today. My Snowcat Garage is located next to the space port, but there are a few more notable buildings in the vicinity. The Bio-Drome is an awe-inspiring sight, with hardworking individuals from each profession working together to create a better future for all on Europa. Only the best colonies are lucky to be able to construct such an impressive structure.

Have I mentioned how much I love my Warmitory? After spending all day in Expedition Control, it's so nice to mingle with specialists from different professions. Not to mention living space with it own dedicated battery (and back up battery), sweet relief away from the brutal uncertainty of the Shelters. The best colonies have a good mix of Pioneers, Engineers, Marines and Stewards, and the Warmitories foster actual community.


A little help from our friends

If you've backed any of my previous campaigns, you know that I work from a principle of abundance. Even when I was doing insurance sales, I tried never to fight with my fellow sales reps over business because I knew there was enough to go around for us all.

To that end I'd like to point you in the direction of a project you might find interesting, The Stonebound Saga: Visions of Telios.

"I can see my house from here!"
"I can see my house from here!"

Both mechanically and thematically, VoT could not be more different from TAP. So check it out and see if it's the kind of game that should hit your table.

What can you do?

We're in the final 3 days of our trip to Europa together. Soon we'll hit the ice, and then the real work begins. This campaign has been amazing, and we are primed for a spectacular final 48 hours.If you'd like to help us drive that, here's what we'd ask:

I'm thrilled with how this day has begun: the Event mini is in our sights. Once we hit that, we'll reveal a few more stretch goals, and have lots to excite new and returning visitors in the final 48 hours.


The GuildMaster

29 Sep 2348
over 5 years ago – Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 10:40:39 PM

Diary, Expedition Control suits me well, and I love my Snowcat. I spend almost all my time in the Garage now, working with Engineers on maintaining and researching how to improve these vehicles.

You hear stories of how crowded things got back on earth, and probably still are. Well no more. You can spin around 360° and see open ice in every direction. We needed space, so we went into space.

Expeditions don't always succeed, especially when rival colonies have a breakdown in communication. This happens more often than you think. When that occurs, Artemis Project Oversight provides relief to the failed colony: tools, minerals, energy. These resources are a godsend and keep us competitive even when hope seems dim.  

Life is a struggle here, and Europa operates under the law of the jungle. Ha! Does that ancient turn of phrase have meaning anymore? Jungles are lifetimes away. I think out here it's the law of the tundra.


Shake it Up

Well, Colonists, we told you we weren't afraid to shake things up. Check this out:


The Shake Ship has prompted some reactions. Now that you have seen the prototype in action, let us know what you think of it in the comments.

Reviewer Spotlight

The gals and guys of Tantrum House approached me waaay back when I was Kickstarting Unreal Estate and offered to help me out. From there blossomed a relationship that I value at every turn of this crazy publishing ride.

Welcome to the House!
Welcome to the House!

Tantrum House is a reviewing tour de force, and they are wonderful people. No matter how you take your board game media, they have a way to keep you informed. Check them out here:

From the depths of space, Europa has appeared on long-range sensors. It's going to be an amazing last week.


The GuildMaster

27 Sep 2348
over 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 08:30:25 PM

One of the survivors from the Snowcat rescue was murmuring about something she saw in the distance while awaiting rescue. She thought it was a mound of snow and ice at first, but then she claimed it moved. It may have just been dehydration or what we call 'frozen claustrophobia', but this wasn't the first time we heard rumors of what the Pioneers are calling 'Golems'.

I haven't actually seen a Golem myself, but I've had encounters with the floating Ghosts in the Deep. Like their namesake, they appear out of nowhere. And some diving teams have reported rope like tentacles that glide back and forth in the deeper regions. The Ghosts appear to feed on the thermal energy, but I'm sure that there's something that feeds on the Ghosts.

Still, the pioneering spirit and sheer human industry powers us through the dark days and the darker depths. Earth ran out of uncharted regions to explore decades ago. We are the new explorers, and Europa is our Earth now.


Behind the Curtain

Also not a Wizard
Also not a Wizard

I was driving home from my regular Friday breakfast with my friend Bruce--Hi, Bruce!--when I realized I'd not sent today's update. I woke up and immediately took to my 'Active Kickstarter Checklist':

  • Check the campaign
  • Write/edit the Backer update (whoops!)
  • Read and respond to comments
  • Read and respond to messages
  • Look at Facebook and Twitter
  • Read and respond to e-mail
  • Reach out to cancelled Backers
  • Thank active Backers

I didn't even get through all of that when I had to take the kids to school, and then straight to breakfast. When I got back it was immediately time to get on the phone with Josh for our weekly call and discuss many things, among them the rest of the campaign.

1 Week

Colonists, can you believe there is only 1 week left?!? We have come such a long way. An amazing launch, a worrying lull, and then a forward momentum with a consistency that so far exceeds expectation.

This morning Josh and I discussed the next week, the remaining stretch goals and levels, and the frenzied final 48. I cannot tell you how excited we are to see this next week unfold, and then deliver an amazing game to you Backers.

Josh is working right now on the graphics for the next 3 stretch goals, and we intend to reveal them today.

Into the Black...

Forest, that is! As you are reading this, my fellow Grand Rapids-based publisher Green Couch Games is on the last days of the campaign for his newest game, Into the Black Forest.

You won't find these critters in outer space!
You won't find these critters in outer space!

Aside from being a great game in and of itself, it happens to be designed by Jason Slingerland, who designed our first title Unreal Estate. If you're looking for something that tickles your gaming sensibilities similarly, you can pledge here.


Many of you have asked if you'll be able to buy our other titles in the post-campaign pledge manager. The answer is yes, but there will be some logistical limitations based on geography. I'm working on setting up the post-campaign system this weekend, as well as fulfillment logistics. I'll be able to fill in more of those details next week.

Keep spreading the word on TAP. I have no doubt this next week will be the best yet!


The GuildMaster

25 Sep 2348
over 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 10:09:03 AM

Well, Diary, 'fun' might not have been the best word. What a slog! Specs and schematics and emergency procedures...

Apparently my efforts have been noticed by the Stewards. Either that, or they think I'm not cut out for the Quarry. I've been reassigned--again, back to Expedition Control. As fate would have it, the moment I set foot in the control room, I was promptly sent out on an expedition. I guess my time in the Quarry made them believe I was field-ready.

A colonist shuttle scheduled to touch down on the Doorstep got brought down by an ice storm and crash-landed right on the edge of the Galileo Trench. Nothing good comes from shuttle crashes, but I did get to ride in the Snowcat I spent all day studying.

Deceptively quick, the Snowcat churns and cuts through the landscape of ice while carrying an impressive amount of cargo and passengers. We have to make sure to avoid the cracks in the surface, the result of the tidal forces coming from the ocean underneath us. The Snowcat is impressive, but I don't want it to be my coffin.

We managed to extricate the survivors and as much of the cargo as we could carry. The expedition-hardened marines that came along knew exactly what to take without overloading the vehicle. Waste not, want not.


Heavy Cardboard

What did you think of the Heavy Cardboard play through last night? If you missed it, you can still check it out here. Edward and his friends did an incredible job of showing The Artemis Project in all its glory.

Elephants on Europa!
Elephants on Europa!

Bonjour, Hallo, Ciao, Olá, Hola!

If you are a foreign-language Backer...thank you! Good news. We have 5 translators who have volunteered to translate our rule book into French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish!

Now we need your help! You have access to social networks in your language that I do not. Please take The Artemis Project to those sites and let those gamers know.

Merci! Danke! Grazie! Obrigado! Gracias!

Reviewer Spotlight

A few weeks ago we got a fantastic review from GeekDad that I fear may have gotten lost in the lunacy of launch day. You all are the true believers, Colonists at heart. But if you are looking for something to share that might get more attention to our project, please share the article.

While you're at it, let's give GeekDad some social media love:

That's it for now, Colonists. Back to another day in the frozen wastes!


The GuildMaster